Racism....a brutal and, at times, subtle predator that attempts to convince most people that it is nothing but an illusion. Racism is false if someone submits a lying report, twists or does not discern the facts, claims racism outside of the actual definition or attempts to use racism as a "host" for another issue or matter. Racism is not a "left" or "right" political issue-it is a gremlin that has not been properly restrained for a long period of time. When I make these statements, I am not referring to any current political leader or any political party but rather to a generation that has "forgotten" that Nazism (or some elements of it) was "government by race" (and nationality or ethnicity) and not Democracy and the "Rule of Law". Why is our generation (globally speaking) so "interested" in gathering stats or information based on "race"? Two thousand years ago, one country had conquered and partially enslaved the "known world" (both European and non-European people were enslaved up until the 15th century). How would we have judged mankind during that period of time? Most North Americans are only familiar with the North Atlantic Slave Trade-the last 400 years of an 1,800 year-old Roman scourge. The "Rule of Law" ended, for (clean-living, law-abiding) minorities, when the 1994, American crime bill was passed; it left many European North Americans in a state of complete ignorance (totally oblivious) to what was initiated-some knew. Even today, many are perplexed about why minorities are complaining. (No "big changes" for minorities-perhaps in the next 500 years.) You know, to be truthful, I clearly remember, while growing up as a middle-to-upperclass youth, that there was this "pocket of time" when race or nationality hardly mattered-I ended up marrying a beautiful, young woman who was noble-minded and "different" in physical appearance (we don't share the same race or nationality). The 1994 crime bill had a global, ripple effect and created a strange and unfamiliar (yet recognizable) historical, "Germanic" environment. After examining recent events, I have one question for those affiliated with policing: Why is it that minority policing involves constant reports of excessive force, racial profiling, notable and unexplained harassment, notable aggression or threats, ridicule and an obvious abuse of authority? If police treated law-abiding minorities like law abiding non-minorities, we would not be having these problems (stats on abuse and death are out of proportion to the minority population size). If the problem is not racism (on a personal level), then perhaps it is an undisclosed fear of crime among minorities. I am not really concerned about how the police treat violent criminals (having the 'perfect' arrest process)-no one (sane) would wish the unnecessary death of anyone. Will anyone complain about how known, violent criminals are treated? It is not logical to state that minority policing must become "abusive" when there is an increase in violent or gang crime. Perhaps police could focus (like a laser) on the response time to a violent crime report-faster than the fire department with physically fit, special teams (foot, bike, motorcycle and unmarked vehicles all over the city) with one task (response times would have to be within seconds and minutes-citizens would have to call a special, new number instead of 911). At this point, we have to continue with minority policing (return to fair policing) or we will all have to start "packing weapons" like the citizens of the "Wild West". (It should be noted that I once held an IT position that gave me a long and extended, inside interaction with many police officers. I don't have any criminal history and I have never been arrested for anything. I am not affiliated, in any capacity, with BLM or any other racial (or race-based) group. Truth matters!) (Warning: Language)

It was an American "crime bill", in 1994, that ignited the insanity that we see in our world, today. A new law* can help to put the "genie" back into the lamp. We need a law that would make "public" racism an indictable offence (it would not address what an individual believes but, rather, what is done in a public space). Let the criminal courts decide if something or someone falls into the racism definition (and if a fine or a jail term should serve as punishment). If some racism is false (or nothing but an illusion) then let that be proven in a court of law. Give minorities the right to "call the police" to report racism as a crime. Of course, all reports would have to be backed by reliable evidence. The law would be a law for all of the people-not just one racial group (it would not be a "stupid" PC regulation). Most people agree that racism is an evil thing-it tends to be worse than a minor traffic violation. The need for a racism law is justified because major historical events such as the slave trade, colonialism and the rise of Nazism have had a long-lasting (never-ending) effect on our modern societies. What does our generation prefer: An endless, predictable cycle of oppression and violence (someone's idea of "freedom") or "peaceful" co-existence? Does anyone dispute the fact that racism is a violent and evil force (the nucleus for genocide, Germany's Third Reich, slavery and many wars/conflicts)? Don't be deceived, racial profiling is racism's twin brother-splashing unpoliced gang stats on an entire race of people (A useless pseudoscience claiming 'factual data' yet ignoring historical realities, geography, faith and religion, individuality, culture, nationality, point of origin, economic elements, the pounding and long-term effects of racism, the daily grind of poverty and possibly violent environments [unpoliced gangs in some areas] and the fear and effects of police brutality). Why have our societies allowed it (racism) to run loose, like a dangerous predator in the streets, for such a long period of time? Race or nationality, to some, is an odd obsession that I do not share. Thank God that I did not grow up under racism's heel. I have always felt that the variety found in the human "family" is an amazing thing. Shall I expect the isolated Inuit peoples to dress like, look like, eat like, think like and act like New York City socialites? *(For any who scribe a law of this type, it should not be linked to, twinned with or associated with any other matter or issue; the law cannot be deployed retroactively. Racism, as a subject matter, is unique in scope and sequence [or social signature] and has endured as a source of oppression and death for many generations [centuries]-each with their own story to tell). Will someone wake me up when North America gets serious about punishing racism? (Acts 17:26)

Thank God that, in the outdoors, direct sunlight weakens the Coronavirus' rate of transmission and, with high temperatures/humidity (outside), kills it on outdoor surfaces and in the air-in a minute or so. It is still a deadly piece of genetic material (terrible "plague") that must be "handled" according to the specified guidelines ("Social Distancing", PPE, etc...). We do not know (exactly) how the virus will affect us in the Fall season. (It is unfortunate to see, as the warmer weather arrived, that societies, in general, were not disciplined enough or could not hold to the very publicly declared guidelines.)

I will not forget that so many are dying and that many have died.

Day after day after day....most of our lives are on hold.


Jeremiah 27:5-6, Daniel 4:34-35

In regards to the leader of the "Free World", the right man is in the right position at the right time. Only the Almighty can make untimely adjustments. The political "left" have become like a sports team that cheats and will do "anything to win". Right now, the political "right" has, lawful, possession of the ball.

Give honour to whom honour is due....(Romans 13)

At last...

The "Theory of Evolution" has a shelf life and may disintegrate (before our eyes) in our time....(Psalm 119:89)

It is horrific to see that there are people, today, who believe that murder or violent acts, for any cause, can be justified. The value of human life (from conception to old age) has been devalued-right across the board. From the beginning, God permitted (and at times ordered) execution, by government, if a life had been taken or if a heinous crime had been committed. When someone kills a human being, unlawfully, that person loses the "right" to live and that individual's life dangles in the balance between the will of God and the judgement of men. If a government executes someone, for the crime of murder, contrary to "common" philosophy, it is not a violent act but, rather, a sobering judgement. If the officers of a court execute the wrong person (an innocent person) or commit an act of murder themselves (stubbornly refuse to review or consider evidence or conspire to submit or accept false testimony) they will answer to God (in this life, at the final judgement or both). God is quite "capable" of exposing the secret "killer" that is "on the run". War, between nations, is a different matter that both God and governments will judge. (Genesis 9:6)

The word, Christian, was not coined by followers of Christ by but the ancient, Roman people. Today, the word has been twisted, like a pretzel, to mean "anything" or "anyone". Christ transcends culture, nationality, race or family traditions-He saves and transforms an individual's soul, mind and spirit. A church assembly can only be described, correctly, by geography and nothing more. According to the scriptures, Christ did not have His "beginning" in a manger, but before. It is written that His "goings forth" or His "origins" were from "Everlasting" or the "Days of Eternity". When the Hebrew (Jewish) people met with God at Mount Horeb, they were fearful of His dark, thundering presence and did not want to draw near to Him. God promised that He would send "Someone" to speak to them (and all mankind) and answer all of their questions. God was faithful to carve His arrival into our galactic sky. The actual date of His birth has been lost in the annals of history but I believe we all know His name.... (1 John 2:6)

I heard that the political "left" has a new "fact" witness....

Governments and the courts can determine what is "legal" or "lawful" in society but they cannot determine what is "good". Since the majority of our generation has decided to "dump" the Bible (the holy books that God gave to us) in favour of human reasoning, (unstable) scientific theory, cultural religion, psychology and philosophy, how can they know what is "good" for people? How can they determine what is "good" for children (body, soul, mind and spirit)? (Matthew 19:17)

Micah 6:8, Proverbs 11:1 (Why would any educated person expect people to accept the results of a "kangaroo court"? Why would any person expect the Almighty to sanction those warped and twisted results?)

John 18:36 (Note that scientists are still limited by the archaic concept that "there is no God" and that the earth and the universe "came from nothing". In their discussions of the universe, they continue to include the "Big Bang Theory" as an essential element.)

Exodus 34:5-7

What we are witnessing in the US, today, is an open demonstration of insurrection, rebellion, lawlessness and an antichrist mindset. The "left" has "lost it" and has become so hypocritical that it cannot be measured-they are drowning in lies (I am not saying that the "right", at times, has not exaggerated, misspoken or fumbled the facts). The left-wing media has constructed their own (Star Trek) holodeck program and has a large portion of the (educated and uneducated) American population living in it (day after day). The "left" cannot accept election results-the foundation of democracy (government by the people). They have broken contract with the American Constitution (perhaps they want a king). When will the madness end? Oh...and I have a question for the left-wing leaders in New York City. Where's the fine for the derogatory use of the "N" word and other racial slurs? (Romans 13:1-6)

Climate Change....God owns the earth and the current generation may be the "tenants from hell" (whales/dolphins [majestic and friendly creatures], at times, beaching themselves due to polluted waters, poisoned fish, oil and other chemical spills, hunting animals to extinction [or until their numbers are dangerously low] , unhealthy and destructive air pollution, the exploitive consumption of raw materials and fossil fuels) but the concept of human-based pollution as the only source of gradual or dramatic alterations of global climate is a distortion of the truth. There are many other factors involved-factors that most scientists are not willing to even consider (for they themselves deny many things that are evident). There's nothing wrong with "being green" or going "meatless" but people should be free to make their own decisions.

Human Rights....If any type of "human right" has dominion over all of the others (or some of the others), then we (governments, corporations or society) are "discriminating" and the entire system of "human rights" is nullified (freedom from control and abuse is lost). We don't need a long, laundry list of different types of "rights" (I am not referring to citizenship rights or constitutional rights but core, international human rights), we just need a short list of basic rights (simplified format), "for all", that ensure that you cannot abuse, mistreat or deny life to human beings (from conception to death). It doesn't really matter "why" (the core motive) someone was abused/mistreated/denied life (this is secondary) but it does matter that someone was abused/mistreated/denied life. Formidable racism laws should be put in place (due to thousands of years of overwhelming evidence that conflicts occur between people of different nationality, tribes, culture or race). Judges (or others in authority) should decide if someone has been abused/mistreated/denied life-actions and evidence must be carefully reviewed and weighed. We "have what we have" in our world today but the system is broken. Diversity is a political, sociological and ideological concept-not a law-that is heavily promoted by individuals on the left side of the political spectrum (of which I am not). If people truly believe in "diversity", then why try to bind (imprison the mind and individual spirit of a person, stalk or place in an invisible dungeon) or punish people for being different (in faith, concept or beliefs)? Personally, I can't imagine making an attempt to try to force someone to believe what I believe. Individuals have to be free to choose what they believe. Those that block this liberty have become "cult-like" (or "cultish") and dangerous (what many claim that they despise). (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:7, Deuteronomy 30:19)

But consider....how is it that we can contact the authorities about loud music (the person can be formally charged) after 11 pm but we cannot call the police (and have someone charged) about vile racist speech or activity (speech or activity that no one can dispute and is backed by clear evidence)? Are people free to utter death threats, insult or disrespect police officers, throw a heavy object near someone's head, swear at a judge in a court room or approach children with perverted/vile, sexual speech/intentions? Absolutely not.....in every case. Governments (judges, lawyers, political leaders) have to decide if all people, under their rule, deserve equal (fair, just) treatment and then adjust (and faithfully enforce) the laws. Equality, under the law, must not be theoretical or in an extended state of evolution-it will result in a form of mental anguish. North American governments, as we all know, are not "pure" democracies-the people vote for "representatives" that are subject to a "preset" system. Sometimes people ask why certain communities are riddled with problems. A lack of justice may be one reason among others. As stated, below, I want to emphasize that I am not "firing an arrow" at any particular political leader/individual. (Micah 6:8, Romans 13:1-7)

On abuse....the conflicts and differences between men and women have existed since the beginning and yet, today, we still need effective laws to govern the two sexes (marital laws, sexual assault, domestic violence, divorce, etc). Why would any nation that embraces the concept of multiculturalism attempt to govern without formidable laws to identify and punish racism so that neither the "weak" or the "strong", in a conflict, can abuse the other? Attempting to live (and be at peace) in a nation without laws to govern, for example, sexual assault would be an outrage to most people. Based on both ancient and recent historical conflicts between the nations and various peoples, why would anyone even think that they could, successfully, govern a nation without formidable, just, fair and effective racism laws? (I'm sorry-segregation laws, civil laws, laws for human rights and hate crime laws are not enough-we need to stop dancing around the target. Racism is something that must be identified and "indicted"-converted out of the realm of human rights violation into criminal conduct). Those who believe that everything is "OK" are under the delusion that human nature is always "trending" towards good behaviour. Let a fair, policing force (and the criminal courts) decide whether something or someone is "racist" or not. It should not be left to the common person because it will create a never-ending, circular nightmare of "accusation and denial" without any remedy. I am not referring to any on-going, political conflicts in our world but rather our world in general. (Personally....I don't have any time to become involved in conflicts over someone's "genetic tan", the contours of an individual's eyes or the shape of a person's nose).....How would parents feel if their son or daughter was sexually assaulted (came home in tears) and had to report a "human right violation" but could not call the police? (Incidents like sexual assault and racist abuse can be a "soul-wounding" experience that scars an (unshielded) individual's inner spirit very deeply-only the Lord can "undo" what has happened.) I have never been (thank God) a sexual assault victim. I was too strong (or too smart), as a youth, to be bullied (old-school definition) about anything (I was a very innocent and happy, Christian 'kid'/teenager raised in a nuclear family with absolutely no encounters with law enforcement) and racism, to me, is hardly relevant. I, however, have met individuals in the workplace that have, suddenly and tearfully, opened up to me about an "abuse" story and it was evident that they were so "hurt" about what had happened.

Here we go again....the Bible has already addressed this ancient matter. I will just say, very plainly, that there is no alien* life. The truth is "out there" but it is not something that most people would want to understand. I will say no more. Of course, I am referring to anything that is an unidentified "object" in (or that appears in) earth's airspace, atmosphere, aerospace or sky, and it is not of or from God, not man-made (advanced/black program aircraft, commercial, private or military aircraft, a rocket/missile, satellites, spacecraft-a shuttle or transport in orbit, one of the spacestations, drones, a hoax/fraud, ballons, remote controlled devices, powerful lasers or light beams shone from the earth's surface...etc) or natural (stars, due to the sun or moon, planets, asteroids or meteorites, a supernova, quasars, pulsars, galaxies, black holes, wandering planets, comets and other galactic phenomena, an atmospheric disturbance or phenomena or due to solar/cosmic radiation). Astronomers do not understand what a galaxy is (God's design and purpose). *Creatures that "evolved" on another planet or world.

This generation has fallen into a deep ditch (like a black hole) that it may not be able to escape from....We consider or take erroneous (even barbaric) action, against others (that are completely and totally innocent), based on accusation without evidence, misdescription, unsubstantiated or false beliefs about crimes or criminal behaviour, old wives' or fairy tales, a lying tongue, a false, emotional story or a false, intellectual explanation. When people judge in this manner, they face no opponent except themselves (air or shadow-boxing). The truth is lost in a dense "fog". They exist in a grifter's (or their own) "dreamworld". An accurate recollection or review of the facts (or history) will always be important to me. It is human nature to prefer a lie instead of the truth and therefore many belief that it is better (more effective) to lie than to tell or hold on to the truth.

Why can't we approach God through someone else? Why Jesus? The great majority of our generation rejects or does not understand the Godhead. The Father (seated on an awesome, brilliant throne in Heaven-a glittering, light-flooded and transparent, celestial 'city') is the invisible, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God who is unfathomable to all creation. He is holy, glorious, perfect and unapproachable. The Son of God (Christ) is the visible expression (the exact representation) of the Father to all creation and can be "seen" (anywhere He chooses) in bodily form. We can approach (though He dwells in unapproachable light) Him and find grace, forgiveness of sins and deliverance from ourselves. He is "seated" at the "right hand of God". They are one. It is because of Christ that the Christian can say, "Our Father, which art in Heaven....". (1 Timothy 2:5-6)

I believe that this (ever-expanding technology-there are so many models and types) will be more than "a fad" or "something for the kids"...

Satan is aggressively attempting (by force, threats, intimidation, isolation, unlawful behaviour, railing [at times, utterly foolish] accusation and violence) to weld into the minds, of all people, that a Christian's stand for God's truth is an act based on fear, hate or anger-something to be condemned. He is a cunning deceiver and the father of lies. We preach the gospel of Christ and let people choose what they want to do. Every human being, that has ever lived, will be judged by the God of this universe and by Jesus Christ (the Mediator of the New Covenant). Whether you believe in God or not is irrelevant to this immutable fact.

Warning...it is not a good idea to mock the Lord (Jesus Christ) either publicly or privately (even in your heart) because He may suddenly decide to "appear" and teach you a very strong lesson.

People, today, tend to "classify (others, faith/religion, beliefs, concepts) and then attack" or verbally criticize (what they think they understand). Christ, however, cannot be "classified" for He is without limit and without flaw. It is impossible for God to lie. He is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. With Christ, all men and women have more than "met their match". If there is a "superhero" beyond all others...it is Him (the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End)...the only Potentate-the Man from Heaven. (Hebrews 1:1-3)

Psalm 8:3-5 (Mankind studies "the universe" but do they even know what they are looking at?)

19 Then they took him and brought him to a meeting of the Areopagus, where they said to him, May we know what this new teaching is that you are presenting? 20 You are bringing some strange ideas to our ears, and we want to know what they mean. 21 (All the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas.) 22 Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. Now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you. 24 The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. (Acts 17)

"Their throats are open graves;
    their tongues practice deceit."[c]
"The poison of vipers is on their lips."[d]
    "Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness."[e]
"Their feet are swift to shed blood;
    ruin and misery mark their ways,
and the way of peace they do not know."[f]
    "There is no fear of God before their eyes."[g]   (Romans 3)